Three years ago first virtual reality headset was launched and from that day more then 10 million devices have been sold. So this Gloves could be the next big thing for significant population.
The Response to early stages of virtual reality response has been really positive but there is along way before it feels as if you are in Matrix. One thing is for sure we can live in a word where virtual reality is indistinguishable from our world, we will need some haptic feedback first
Thanks to scientists from EPLF and ETH Zurich have been working on a VR that makes you feel their environment. Dextres is the name given to it. Dextres is a really light glove (8 grams per finger) that uses lightweight braces and thin cable across each finger to give response in a wide array when the user interacts with object in VR.
If you grab a virtual ice tea from a machine. Dexteres will use an onboard controller to add resistance to fingers along with simulating the weight of ice tea or any object.
Otmar Hilliges at Advanced Interactive Technologies Lab at ETH Zurich, shared:
Till the time Dextere is being worked on, they are also working on plans to release it in few years. For now we just have vibrating controllers