OnePlus has officially confirmed the launch date of its next smartphone OnePlus 7. There’s a good chance that the company might launch few more devices; including OnePlus 7 Pro. The new smartphones will be unveiled on 14th May in three different countries at the same time — including India. The events are going to be held in three cities i.e. London, Bangalore and New York it will start at 8...
Almost all Apple Products come with one year warranty against manufacturing defects and hardware failures. If you send in your defected device that’s under warranty, then Apple will repair it, or in same cases, even replace it with a new one. However, two Chinese students attending college in Oregon have scammed Apple by taking advantage of the company’s repair policy. So, the con was ...
Apple News+ Magazines have been designed to work seamlessly on supported devices, making it easy for photos to pop, browse through what’s included in an issue, and more. Apple News+ costs $9.99/month and gives you unlimited access to over 300 magazine subscriptions — including the likes of National Geographic, Time, Sports Illustrated, Esquire, and much more. In addition to all of those maga...