Scientists can now see people through walls using WiFi

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a method of three dimensional shape and movements of human bodies in a room only by WiFi routers.
For this they have to use DensePose, its a way to map all of the pixels on the surface of a human body in a photo.Facebook’s AI researchers and London-based researchers had developed DensePose . After looking at the latest uploaded preprint paper published on arXiv, they have developed a deep neural network that maps WiFi signals’ phase and amplitude sent and received by routers to coordinates on human bodies.

From last few years researchers have been working on seeing people without using LiDAR hardware or cameras.
Back In 2013 MIT found a way to see through walls using cell phone signals, then in 2018 another team at MIT used WiFi to find people in another room and translate their movements to walking stick figures.
As per researchers at Carnegie Mellon, when it comes to sensing people in a room we can use WiFi signals, as it can serve as a ubiquitous substitute for normal RGB cameras. By Using WiFi, we can overcomes obstacles like poor lighting and occlusion that regular camera lenses face.
Interestingly, they position these advances as advances in privacy rights; “In addition, they protect the privacy of individuals and the requiredequipment can be purchased at a reasonable price,” they write. “In fact, most households in developed countries already have Wi-Fi at home, and this technology could be extended to monitor the health of older people, or simply identify suspicious behaviour at home.”
They didn’t mention what “suspicious behavior” might be included if the technology goes mainstream. But given that companies like Amazon Ringare trying to install drone cameras in our homes, it’s not hard to imagine how WiFi body tracking could be a force for good or another for ourprivacy to all.
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