Your next iPhone might come with wraparound glass screen if you look at Apple’s recently filed a new patent.

Apple is trying out ideas for a different look in an iPhone that would include a glass screen that wraps all the way around the smartphone, according to new patent claims filed by the company.
We have rendered a pic according to the US Patent & Trademark Office,
Here’s what the device would look like:
image 1 image 2
We can see that the patents indicate that Apple wants to own the idea, sadly we cant promise when will Apple move forward with a plan to develop or sell such a device.
This patent was filed in October and Apple specify that the wraparound screen would constitute a “continuous loop around a periphery of the electronic device,” and claims filed in July clammed that the device would use “facial tracking software to determine an orientation of the user” relative to the smartphone. In the new patent filed we can see they specify that the screen would be made of glass.
We have a need for an improved form factor for mobile which allows us to extend to more than one surface of the device, Apple told our insider company is trying many ways to maximize the utility of unused portions of these devices.